On the banks of the Chattahoochee River sits Columbus, GA. Our city was built in this specific spot because of the power of the river. That power allowed Columbus to become an important part of the American Industrial Revolution. Can you believe it? Columbus, GA was a “powerhouse of manufacturing”. The mills on the northeast side of the city were thriving. The communities were strong. They were self-sufficient. People that grew up in these mill communities will tell you how wonderful life was.
Time would not treat these communities well. Slowly each mill was closed. Each community was gutted of the heart that kept it thriving. Each community declined little by little. But the people that had been born there, started their lives there remained. The pull of these communities to its members is strong, even when the neighborhoods look like they have been forgotten.
I met the Highland Community two years ago. It is a place that has fallen on hard times, for decades. However, the people love it. They are committed to it. They want it to once again be a place that thrives. For 15 years Carrie and Rob Strickland have been toiling on 5th Ave at Highland Community Church. They have formed HopeforHighland.org and TruthSpring.org. Truth Spring Academy was born August 10, 2015. The Truth Spring Workforce becomes a reality in 2021. What else could the community need? Housing.
Truth Collective Mission aims to come alongside the heart and mission of the Highland Community and Truth Spring to help in meeting a very real need for this community. We want this community to have a safe place to lay their heads every night. We want them to have homes that don’t drain their pockets because they aren’t energy efficient. We don’t want the residents to have to make a decision of paying rent or utilities. They already love their neighborhood. We want to help their neighborhood love them back.
Emily and Jim Trotter purchased 3114 6th Ave in June 2020. Now the work of renovation begins. We hope you will join us in our mission to make 6th Ave a GREAT place to live, one house or lot at a time.